General Information



The data controller is Bikor Sp. z o.o., located at ul. Piastowska 52, 80-332 Gdańsk, registered under business registry number 0000385313. BIKOR Sp. z o.o. respects the privacy rights of its users and takes special care to protect their personal data, implementing appropriate technological solutions to prevent unauthorized access by third parties.

By browsing, seeking information, offers, or ordering goods at, you accept the rules contained in the Privacy Policy on this page.

Use of the Bikor Sp. z o.o. online store and consenting to receive commercial information aimed at improving the quality of online shopping is voluntary.

BIKOR Sp. z o.o., as the owner of,,, and, reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will not affect the basic principle: we do not sell or provide third parties with personal or address data of customers/users of

Bikor Sp. z o.o. updated its privacy policy on May 24, 2018, in accordance with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/679 dated April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

How do we collect data?

BIKOR Sp. z o.o. collects ordinary personal data during registration and use of the online store. We also use "cookies" (as described below) to track IP addresses to improve our services and enhance your experience on You provide us with your data when you contact us or participate in promotional activities on

BIKOR Sp. z o.o. also collects certain confidential personal data necessary to carry out transactions in our store. We will ask for your name, surname, residential address, telephone number, and payment details, e.g., type of credit card, credit card number, expiry date, CVV number. BIKOR Sp. z o.o. does not collect or store customer credit card details from the online store.

Remember that a user’s consent to process personal data by BIKOR Sp. z o.o. for marketing purposes is entirely voluntary. Every user has the right to access and correct their data, which can be done by contacting the operator of BIKOR Sp. z o.o. Users who are registered can also use the user profile editing form.

Bikor Sp. z o.o. is the data controller of its customers and newsletter subscribers. This means that if you have an account on our site, we process your data such as name, surname, email address, telephone number, and IP address. Personal data is processed in accordance with data protection regulations, implemented Privacy Policy, and to the extent and purpose consistent with the consent expressed by the user necessary for the proper execution of services provided electronically or sending commercial information via newsletter or telecommunications; in the scope and purpose necessary to fulfill legitimate interests of the user, and the processing does not infringe the rights and freedoms of the data subject.

Personal data is processed by persons expressly authorized by us or by processors with whom we closely cooperate. Personal data is processed to improve service quality, inform the user about the status of their order, promotional actions, and events related to their activity in the online store Bikor Sp. z o.o. uses tools for email automation, sms automation, data analysis of None of the cooperating entities acquires rights to personal data nor uses them for purposes other than improving the experience at the online store

Customer Comments

Comments posted by customers under products and as store ratings (also sent to the store's email address) become the property of BIKOR Sp. z o.o. and may be used in that form or shortened to promote the store or the products contained therein.

Such comments will never be signed with a full name and surname unless the customer has consented to it. We also commit not to distort comments and not to use them in a different context or to promote a product other than intended by the author.

Personal data provided while posting comments on products or adding announcements are accessible to all who visit pages containing such data.

Opinions expressed in comments remain the opinions of the customers, not the employees of BIKOR Sp. z o.o.

Updating Personal Data

Providing data is voluntary, but necessary to perform the contract with the user, each user has the right to:

  • Request from the administrator access to their personal data, their correction, deletion, or limitation of personal data processing,
  • Object to such processing,
  • Transfer data,
  • Lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority,
  • Withdraw consent for the processing of personal data. At any time, you have access to, the ability to change, or permanently delete all data by logging into your profile or contacting customer service at +48 (58) 553 70 70 or via email at You can request the deletion of your account at any time. The account will be deleted immediately or after fulfilling orders assigned to it. All data will be deleted, and the email will also be removed from the database.

Your personal data is not subject to automated decision-making, including profiling.

How will your personal data be used?

Data collected during purchase transactions will be used to carry out the transaction, including taking your money and sending you the ordered goods. Your data may be transferred to the company handling the payment transactions to charge your credit card and the shipping company to deliver the shipment.

If you have signed up for our Newsletter, or otherwise consented to receive it, we will use your data to send you our Newsletter.

Bikor Sp. z o.o. sends the Newsletter by email or telecommunications.

Automatically collected data may be used to analyze user behavior on our website, collect demographic data about our users, or to personalize the content of our websites. This data is collected automatically about every user.

Bikor Sp. z o.o. collects data under Article 74 of the Accounting Act of September 29, 1994, and to fulfill obligations related to tax payments, including maintaining and storing tax books and documents related to maintaining tax books and storing accounting vouchers. The legal basis for data processing are the legal obligations arising from tax regulations (Tax Ordinance, Act on goods and services tax, Act on corporate income tax) and accounting regulations (Accounting Act).

In the event of an inspection by the General Inspectorate for the Protection of Personal Data, your data may be made available to the Inspectorate's employees in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.

In the event of a violation of our service regulations, violation of the law, or when required by legal provisions, we may provide your data to judicial authorities.

Basis for processing user data:

  • Sales contract or actions taken at your request, aiming at its conclusion (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR),
  • Legal obligation incumbent upon us, e.g., related to accounting (Article 6(1)(c) GDPR),
  • Your consent expressed in the Store (Article 6(1)(a) GDPR),
  • Contract for providing services or actions taken at your request, aiming at its conclusion (Article 6(1)(b) GDPR),
  • Our legitimate interest in processing data to establish, pursue or defend potential claims (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR),
  • Our legitimate interest in conducting direct marketing (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR),
  • Our legitimate interest in processing data for analytical and statistical purposes (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR),
  • Our legitimate interest in conducting customer satisfaction surveys (Article 6(1)(f) GDPR).

To improve the quality of services and the shopping experience in our online store, we use external services that use User's personal data to the extent necessary to perform the service, for which the User has given voluntary consent:

  • Software provider necessary for running the online store,
  • IT service providers,
  • Company carrying out the delivery of goods,
  • Payment provider,
  • Software provider facilitating business operations (accounting, order acceptance, performance optimization),
  • Entity analyzing and monitoring behavior on the site,
  • Mailing automation entity,
  • SMS marketing service provider,
  • Appropriate public authorities to the extent the Administrator is required to provide them with data.

Additionally, the administrator may transfer User data to entities processing data for debt collection or marketing agencies, provided such entities process the data based on a contract with the administrator, and the transfer of such data is covered by security measures and control by the bank as a data administrator. The entity will process the User's personal data for the duration of the contract and then for as long as required by law or the company's legally justified interest. Detailed retention periods are provided for in tax, civil law, and accounting regulations.

Security of Your Personal Data

We respect the right to privacy and care about data security. For this purpose, a secure communication encryption protocol (SSL) is used. The online store is built on the latest hardware and software following the best global solutions. If you use one computer with other people, log out after using the services at, which you need to log into, so that no one can view, use, or modify your resources or information. The data you provide when placing an order is known only to you and BIKOR Sp. z o.o. We guarantee that it will not be disclosed to anyone, and you should also be cautious in sharing it with third parties.

Use of cookies

Cookies are information stored by the server on the disk of your computer. Information from cookies allows customizing the appearance of the website to your interests (e.g., determining the content of the advertisement that will appear on the site). Cookies are also a tool for compiling data on the popularity of a given website. We use two types of cookies:

  • Session – remain on your device until you log out of the website or until you disable the option to store cookies in your web browser,
  • Permanent – remain on your device for the period specified in the cookie settings in the web browser options or until they are manually deleted by the User. Usually, software by default allows the operation of cookies. However, at any time, you can disable them (all browsers have such an option). Limiting the use of cookies can sometimes affect some functions placed on the website. Cookies do not threaten your computer system. They perform anonymous identification, usually containing only the name of the website they come from, their storage time on the end device, and a unique number. Cookies may contain personal data if you left them on our site. Such data is effectively protected by us, and no unauthorized person has access to it. This information is used only while performing certain specific actions you have accepted (e.g., when placing an order). These cookies contain only information that is necessary for the proper performance of our services. The user has the option at any time to disable or restore the option to collect cookies by changing the settings in the web browser. Additional personal data, such as email addresses, are collected only in places where the user, by filling out a form, has explicitly consented to it. We keep and use such data only for the needs necessary to perform a given function.

Legality of Purchases

If you are under 18 years old, you must inform your legal guardians and obtain their permission to purchase products from and to share your personal data.

Acceptance of the Privacy Policy and Possible Changes

By using the site, you agree to all the conditions mentioned in our Terms and Privacy Policy. We reserve the right to change the above Privacy Policy by posting a new Privacy Policy on this page.


Data Administrator: Bikor Sp. z o.o. based in Gdańsk, ul. Piastowska 52, 80-332, registered in the business registry under number 0000385313. Contact: Bikor Makeup Office ul. Piastowska 83, 80-363 Gdańsk Phone: +48 (58) 553 70 70 Email:

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